Shaving cannot make hair re grow thicker and faster
Posted by Shorne on 6/28/2014 to
Body Care
Contrary to many articles you may read, hair CANNOT re grow thicker and faster as a result of shaving. To tell others, let alone believe this myth yourself, is doing a great disservice to everyone.
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Not so serious hair removal stories
Posted by Shorne on 5/26/2014 to
Hair Removal
I never thought these two stories could ever be newsworthy.
Apparently that are a few people that think that pubic hair removal and driving a car, go together nicely - and even concurrently!
We know that texting while driving is a bad idea. Surely no one needs to tell you that body grooming or pubic hair removal is better done safely at home, in private and not while in the drivers seat.
Ingrown hairs and how to easily and cheaply avoid them
Posted by Shorne on 5/22/2014 to
Body Care
It is easy and cheap to avoid ingrown hairs if you listen to this advice. You do not need to spend a fortune on bump fighter type cremes, salves, lotions or aftershaves or suffer from nasty infected ingrown hairs.
When Movies Lie
Posted by Movie Buffed on 5/21/2014 to
Hair Removal
We all love the movies, but when it comes to body hair, they lie; and I do mean a huge lie. Case in point, we all enjoy Greek epics and tales of ancient Rome but when you see a film about either subject you find that everyone in either of those places is a hairless British actor. This in reality was not the case, both cultures stated above were extremely hairy men, but in the movies you would think that no one during that time was born with body hair. When watching such movies it can be hard to not compare your own body to the ones on screen and not feel a little cheated in a way.
The best hair removal method is not what you may think
Posted by Shorne on 5/14/2014 to
Body Grooming
Pool prep 101: A guy’s guide to manscaping, swimwear and more
Posted by Shorne on 5/4/2014 to
Body Care
How to avoid shaver rash, red bumps and ingrown hairs
Posted by Shorne on 2/24/2014 to
Body Care
The Bare It All Personal Shaver & Trimmers featuring the Mk 3 Or Mk 2 shaver models are very capable of removing and trimming hair very close to the skin. Some people find the results to be as smooth as a razor blade or waxing.
Myth's and Legend's about Shaving
Posted by Nick on 2/11/2014 to
Body Care
When personal matters require personal attention
Posted by Antony on 1/31/2014 to
Body Care
Web Counter There comes a time in most peoples lives when they are about to step over a threshold and enter a wonderful world of joy and good times. This is an exciting moment in most peoples lives and right as things are about to get real it becomes apparent that you two will need a little bit of help getting home.
Effective Home Remedies for Treating Ingrown Hairs
Posted by Tati on 1/18/2014 to
Body Care