Why is so called "expert" advice to avoid skin irritation, shaver rash and ingrown hairs oftens wrong ?
Posted by Shorne on 6/1/2017 to
Body Grooming
It is always puzzling how wrong so called doctors and experts can be wrong about shaver rash, bumps, and skin irritation. As a case in point http://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/a9523926/pubic-hair-questions-tips/
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Hair Removal Mistakes
Posted by Shorne on 8/17/2016 to
Body Care
We are of course all in favor of body grooming for both men and women to the extent that you feel comfortable with body hair removal.
Some people repeatedly do not seem to understand that not all hair removal methods are created equal and some might be damaging to sensitive skin areas.
Some people repeatedly do not seem to understand that not all hair removal methods are created equal and some might be damaging to sensitive skin areas.

Does IPL work?
Posted by Shorne on 8/13/2016 to
Body Care
Does IPL Hair Removal Work?
What needs to be recognized from the start is that no laser or IPL procedure
removes hair permanently is often claimed. Lawyers allow them to
say however their device may "permanently reduce hair growth" which is not the
same and not how the devices and procedures are marketed.
Personal Lubes - the good, the bad and the ugly !
Posted by Shorne on 8/5/2016 to
Body Care
Silicone personal lubes are the best way to go - read article below!
They last longer although more costly than water based ones.
5 Shaving Myths Busted
Posted by Shorne on 8/5/2016 to
Body Care
While we are glad to see that some responsible beauty writers correctly state that shaving is the cheapest and safest form of hair removal - scraping a naked razor blade over your skin is not the right way to go. A razor blade causes shaver rash, skin dryness and ingrown hairs.
Laser hair removal is not permanent but the ill effects may be
Posted by Shorne on 2/19/2016 to
Body Care
Permanent hair removal despite the hype, is NOT the Holy Grail of body grooming.
Hair removal without damaging your health, skin or finances is a more realistic and sane approach.
If sensible sane hair removal is not a priority for you, then you might choose chemotherapy mat your local beauty salon, as a sure fire way to remove all body hair. Failing that, a blow torch would be a quick and inexpensive method of home hair removal. Well a flame works on poultry fuzz provided always that it is deceased.
How do I get rid of razor bumps?
Posted by Shorne on 1/28/2016 to
Body Care

If you are like millions of other people - the answer is yes!
Our Advice - Try The Irritation Free Bare It All Electric Shaver And Trimmer

The shaving rash, red bumps & ingrown hairs reported by almost everyone is clinically called pseudo folliculitis barbae. More simply it is the skin telling you to stop wet shaving with any so called safety razor of any brand.because the naked blade is damaging it and stripping it of natural oils.
Then you won’t have to waste money on lathers, lotions, potions and cremes after you have damaged the skin by using a razor blade.
Billions of hard earned dollars each year are wasted doing exactly this.
Our Advice - Try The Irritation Free Bare It All Electric Shaver And Trimmer

Then you won’t have to waste money on lathers, lotions, potions and cremes after you have damaged the skin by using a razor blade.
Billions of hard earned dollars each year are wasted doing exactly this.
How an electric shaver can shave as close as a razor blade
Posted by Shorne on 11/4/2015 to
Body Care
How an electric shaver can shave as close as a razor blade
Although it may sound improbable, an electric shaver like the Bare-It-All with an ultra thin foil, together with user skill, really does shave as close as a blade.

This is why!
Body Grooming Shows You Care About Your Appearance
Posted by Shorne on 7/24/2015 to
Body Care
Grooming the hair on your head, brows or anywhere else, shows you CARE about your appearance. If you DON'T CARE about this that is your prerogative and you certainly do not have to apologize to anyone for being hairy. It is your choice and also that of your boyfriend, which is the only thing that matters.
The Wizard Of Fuzz Offers Painless, Inexpensive Hair Removal For Less Than $37.00.
Posted by Shorne on 7/20/2015 to
Body Grooming
Yes Dorothy the Wizard Of Fuzz is offering painless, inexpensive hair removal for less than $50.00. Follow the yellow brick road to BestBodyShaver.com and watch out for that old menopausal witch !?