Because no foil shaver can cut long hairs that lie close against the skin , it is necessary, at least initially - to use a trimmer with tiny teeth on the blades to cut back hair to short stubble length.
This trimming makes the hairs stick up and away from the skin and enables the shaver foil to cut and remove all unwanted hairs right down to bare skin. A trimmer is useful to remove stray hairs not cut by the shaver foil
This trimming makes the hairs stick up and away from the skin and enables the shaver foil to cut and remove all unwanted hairs right down to bare skin. A trimmer is useful to remove stray hairs not cut by the shaver foil
We offer three different types of trimmer
1. Factory Installed Retractable Trimmer Built Into Our Bare It All Mk 3 Personal Shaver
2. Stand Alone - Bare It All Broad Blade Trimmer - For Larger Areas Of Hair on Flat Skin
3. Bare It All Micro Trimmer - With Free Extra Set Of Replacement Blades, Ideal For Softer Types Of Hair & Sensitive Areas - Eyebrows, Ear & Nose Hair, Bikini Line Skin With Creases Or folds E.G. Pubic Area